
That's what friends are for.(K)

That's what friends are for.(K)

-> SEXY pictures, crazy TIMES, sisters @ heart & partners in CRIME.

  • We're not sarcastic - we're hilarious.
  • We're not annoying - we're just cooler then you.
  • We're not bitches - we just don't like you.
  • & we're not obsessed - we're just best friends.

-> A girl only needs 3 things in her life:

  • Love to make her weak.
  • Alcohol to make her strong.
  • & friends to pick her up when the first two make her hit the ground.

-> Heres to the... guys that love us. the losers that lost us. & the lucky bastards who get to meet us.

-> True friendship isn't being inseperable, it's being seperated & nothing changes.

-> I used to be normal until i met those losers i call my bestfriends.

-> Side by side or miles apart, friends are forever close to your heart.

-> You're only as strong as the drinks you mix, the tables you dance on & the FRIENDS you party with.

-> I roll with pretty bitches.

-> we're not famous but bitches talk about us like we are.

-> A friend is someone who undersants your past, believes in your future & accepts you just the way you are.

  • Good friends: Will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you've had enough - but your...
  • BEST FRIENDS: will look at you trippin over ur own two feet & say "bitch drink the rest of that, you know we don't waste that kinda shit".

-> Yeah, we act like idiots, we laugh too hard and make complete foots of ourselves but thats why we're BEST FRIENDS.


1 comentario

Mariamelia -

Tu pagina es muy original y muy pink !!!
love u barbie